Legends of the Lost Causes Review (or how the west was wrested away from zombies)
Legends of the Lost Causes, by Brad McLelland & Louis Sylvester Legends of the Lost Causes = orphans in the wild west + zombies. No joke....

Pax Review (or why I want a fox in my life)
Pax, by Sara Pennypacker Pax made me love my pets so much more. And I already loved my animals a lot, so that's saying something. This...

Click'd Review (or my so-called life as a teen app coder)
Click'd, by Tamara Ireland Stone Click'd is a book for the wannabe coder in every kid. Let's face it, this generation lives and breathes...

Middle Grade Literature Empowers (or why kids need imaginary worlds to play in)
Can’t is a dangerous word. It’s one of those words that gets pulled out a lot by adults these days. You can’t say that. You can’t believe...