Your Hopes Don't Rest on a Contest (or suggested reading for #PitchWars hopefuls)
Okay y'all, it's time for my requisite Pitch Wars day post--the one where I remind everyone that Pitch Wars is just ONE path to publ

Behind the Scenes (or why I wrote about a family dealing with spina bifida)
This time around, I wanted to introduce you guys to Lizzie. Lizzie's the daughter of a friend of mine, and the inspiration behind one of...

Meaning Informs Creativity (or how I learned to love my editor)
Meaning informs creativity. Whenever we put pen to the page (or fingers to the keyboard, or camera to the subject...), our goal is to...

The Hotel Between Here, There, & Everywhere is going to be published!
The big announcement? I just signed with Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers on my newest book, The Hotel Between Here, There, and...