Your Hopes Don't Rest on a Contest (or suggested reading for #PitchWars hopefuls)
Okay y'all, it's time for my requisite Pitch Wars day post--the one where I remind everyone that Pitch Wars is just ONE path to publ

RAQ: 14 Things You Don't Know About Me (but you really should)
Rarely Asked Questions: Lots of authors have a FAQ on their website, talking about their road to publishing and all that boring stuff...

Sean's Book Review Policy
I abide by a strict "If you can't say nuthin' nice" policy. Quite frankly, I don't have time or patience for negativity in my life. Other...

The Hotel Between Here, There, & Everywhere is going to be published!
The big announcement? I just signed with Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers on my newest book, The Hotel Between Here, There, and...