The Blackthorn Key Review (or how I learned to stop worrying and love the firebomb)
The Blackthorn Key, by Kevin Sands The Blackthorn Key hits all the right notes for me. I've always had a strong affinity for anything...

RAQ: 14 Things You Don't Know About Me (but you really should)
Rarely Asked Questions: Lots of authors have a FAQ on their website, talking about their road to publishing and all that boring stuff...

Click'd Review (or my so-called life as a teen app coder)
Click'd, by Tamara Ireland Stone Click'd is a book for the wannabe coder in every kid. Let's face it, this generation lives and breathes...

Sean's Book Review Policy
I abide by a strict "If you can't say nuthin' nice" policy. Quite frankly, I don't have time or patience for negativity in my life. Other...

Some Quotes for Your Friday
A few of my favorite quotes I've posted recently on my Instagram.

Behind the Scenes (or why I wrote about a family dealing with spina bifida)
This time around, I wanted to introduce you guys to Lizzie. Lizzie's the daughter of a friend of mine, and the inspiration behind one of...

What You Invest in Is Where Your Heart Will Be (or why I'm headed to the gym)
What you invest in is where your heart will be. My wife and I just bought a gym membership. Yup. Anyone who knows me well knows I have...

Greetings from My Overactive Imagination (or why no one's heard from me in ages...)
So I've realized lately that it is far too easy to get so lost in my imaginary worlds that I forget that there are real people out there...